MAC 2-Up Trophy, Castlewellan Rd.

9 April 2015
9 April 2015 Adam McGreevy

Report by Neil McAlister.  Wednesday 8th April

A glorious Wednesday evening with sun shining – some difference from last week.  Shorts on show instead of rain jackets!   It was great to see a large turn out with 35 members and 7 visitors in attendance.  The start was at Tesco’s with 1 minute intervals between each starting pair, with the ladies teams off first.  Cathy and Shirley so far are setting the pace for the ladies. 

Tonight we started straight into a head wind which is always nice as it should be on your back on the way home.  It was down to the fast men then to see who had the legs tonight, Brain and I were 9th off. Go as hard we dare, but remembering to save some energy for the return journey. Traffic was busy for a Wednesday night which was affecting some times.  Castlewellan Rd seems to be a better road to get quick times on and so it proved as everyone has improved their times from last week. Big improvements for Dave and Chris, Paul and Chris Burns also, but the big shock of the night was Alan Black and Jon Shepherd – this is the first racing season for the two lads and Jon is not even on his own bike,  they pulled almost 3 minutes off their time from last week! Congratulations guys.

Really pleased with the times that were rolling in from everyone. Has to be said though, a special mention to Gareth and Lindsay banging the cross the line with a 22:33 to show how it’s done after racing all weekend in the Tour of the North. That’s the way to do it in style!


Note: Full results and photos from the evening can be found here.


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