Remembering Eddie.

5 June 2016
5 June 2016 Adam McGreevy

The members of Banbridge CC were among the many mourners of the recent passing of fellow club mate and friend Eddie Sands.  Eddie was one of the co-founders of Banbridge Cycling club in 1944 and remained a dedicated and loyal member of the club until his passing last week.

That dedication began early when Eddie took upon the demanding role of Club Secretary in the 1940’s soon after the clubs formation.  He followed this up with another role in 1963 when we stepped into the role of Club Treasurer.  Amazingly, he fulfilled that role for 21 years, handing the reigns over in 1984.  It was hardly surprising, and some might argue overdue, when Eddie received the Banbridge CC Club Person of the Year award in 1987.

Few, if any, can match the service Eddie showed his beloved club and he remained a committed committee member into his later years.  He was always a constant at the roadside of Banbridge CC events with a marshals flag; week in – week out, rain, hail or shine. 

Eddies true love on his bicycle was touring which would see him enjoy long trips with his club mates.  There are many stories of the trips and adventures and it’s of little surprise that members of the Banbridge CC touring enjoy keeping that tradition alive.  You’ll struggle to find a more enjoyable and memorable day on the bike than with the touring club, and I’m sure Eddie would whole heartily recommend you join them for a spin so you can tell your own story.

The members of Banbridge Cycling Club would like to pass on our sincere condolences and thoughts to Eddie’s family at this time.  We mourn together. 

Rest in peace Eddie.

Eddie Sands.


Banbridge Cycling Club cater for cyclists at all levels, representing all disciplines of the sport, should you require any more information on the club, Contact Us below.