13 April 2017 Adam McGreevy


Wednesday 12th April was the second round of BCC Mac 2-Up cup, with times tight at the top it was going to be a good night to see who could improve. With a West wind blowing strong it was going to be a hard way home again this week for the riders.

First out of the blocks was Malcolm Jenkins and Paul Hannigan coming back and beating the magic 30 minute mark with 29:41. Team Glover were off next and coming back in still getting under the 30 mark with 29:14, which is some result for this early part of the season. Chris Burns and Scot Henderson keeping things tight in tough conditions first in under 28 minutes with 27:34. Neil McAlister 2-up partner Marty Fitzpatrick 26:09 and Peter McBride and his 2-up partner James McMahon 25:19 both just beating their times from last week by one second. The masters of the club Ian Cochrane and Phil Beattie still showing the early great form with 25:50. Brian Hannon and Kevin McAlinden had the bit between the teeth this week getting a great 25:35. Stephen Fitzsimmons and Mark Stewart showing all the wet, cold and windy winter training was paying off coming in just under the 25 minute with a brill24:59. This week’s stars where Mark Kendall and Wayne Graham taken a brilliant one minute of last week time getting 24:43. Well done lads some going. With thinking that would be the fastest time of the night John Buller and Johnny McRoberts had to see if they could top the table this week again and boy they could smashing the 24 minute mark with a brilliant 23:19 well done lads great time set.

Charlie Glover and Ronan Kennedy where out this week as new 2-up partner’s this week so didn’t qualify as it’s over 3 rounds, but that didn’t stop them setting a great time 25:41. Sean Downey came down to show us how to do a TT and did a great 23:16 getting the speed into the legs for the Tour of the North over the Easter Weekend. All the best to the all BCC team doing the event. With a few guest riders from Team Vision Racing , Connor McAlorum and Gavin McAlorum getting a great time of 26:05 with Emily and Brian Roberts going well with 28:35.

Thanks to our time keeping team Ann, Hazel and Ivor, also Alan and his first class team of marshal’s keeping riders safe in some difficult conditions. Again thanks to Toni getting them all important snaps that tells all the story of the riders faces, isn’t that right Stevie LOL

Neil McAlister


Banbridge Cycling Club cater for cyclists at all levels, representing all disciplines of the sport, should you require any more information on the club, Contact Us below.