2021 Noel Teggart Memorial – Youth Race Info

5 June 2021
5 June 2021 Adam McGreevy

There have been a number of queries in relation to start times. ALL RACES will start from 12:00 noon.

The A1/A2 and A3 senior races will leave first at 12:00, closely followed by the Under 16 race at approx. 12:06. The A4/Women will be the next race off after the Under 16’s.

We will then set the U14’s off for a single lap, finishing on the first passage of Scarva Rd.

Under 12’s

We have agreed to let the U12 riders off ahead of the senior races at 11:45, neutralised to the Banville Hotel with a lead car and sweeper car. They will stop at the Banville Roundabout and wait for all other races to pass, and will commence racing proper once the U14 race passes. A member of the Ulster youth commission will accompany the Under 12’s on the road by bike to act as a Commissaire, including the neutralised roll out, adding to the on the road safety. The U12 race will finish in Scarva as per the Event Info Manual.


Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 boys and girls in each Youth race. Prizes for U12 & 14’s will be given following the U14 race once results have been collated. U16 prizes will be awarded following the conclusion of their race.

Gear Checks

Gear checks for all youth riders will be carried out ahead of the race. We also aim to carry out follow-up checks immediately after each race. Bicycles not conforming to the gear checks will not be permitted to start, or may be subject to disqualification if identified following a race during checks. It is your own responsibility to ensure bicycles are compliant.

To remind you of the gear ‘rollout’ restrictions for the youth categories;

  • U12 – 6.14m

  • U14 – 6.54m

  • U16 – 6.94m

It is recommended that the gear rollouts as indicated above should be obtained as follows,

6.94m = 16 sprocket x 52 chain wheel
6.54m = 16 sprocket x 49 chain wheel
6.14m = 16 sprocket x 46 chain wheel

We have a healthy entry for all races, including the youth, which is fantastic to see. We ask that you ensure all youth riders understand the racing is held on open roads, racing appropriately and above all, safely.


Banbridge Cycling Club cater for cyclists at all levels, representing all disciplines of the sport, should you require any more information on the club, Contact Us below.