Merchants of Speed: Richard Nicholl

2 April 2023
Posted in News, Social, TT
2 April 2023 Aaron Wallace

This time we put the questions to Richard Nicholl.  Richard is not your normal exponent of Time Trialling instead preferring to go a little old school.  Not for him the space age technology of a carbon frame, wheels and helmet.  (I have however managed to convince him to don a new speed suit for this season’s events!).  His enthusiasm for cycling is unbridled and his approach reminds us all that when the dust has settled after the frenzy of an event it’s the sport and taking part that counts.

Time Trialling Since:  You wouldn’t know to look at him but Richard started time trialling 40 years ago when he was based up in Ballymoney.  He does mention that during this time there have been a few extended ‘gap years’.

TT Rig & Setup:  Colnago Master road bike.

What is your helmet of choice?  A standard road helmet, most recently a red Italian Valegro to match the red and black bike.

Favourite TT Course and why?  V210 Dishforth to Thirsk ten mile TT course.  I hold fond memories of this course as this was where I got my first 24 minute 10 (at the tender age of 14 years old).  Albeit just at 24.59!!

Favourite TT Distance: 10 miles.  A firm favourite

Personal Best Time for a 10?  24.32 (road Bike) in 1993

Have you got any TT bling in the trophy cabinet?  If so what have you got?

Managed to bag the 2022 John Maxwell Cup and in 2021 the Ernie Magwood Super Six TT Trophy for the M50 Road Bike category.

Goals for 2023 Season:  To return to a 24 or 25 minute ten on a standard road bike.

Do you have any speed tips you’d like to share with your fellow testers?

Always put your game face on for the wonderful photographers out along the course.

The all-important final question.  Shaved legs, Yes or No? – A firm No.  (Told you he was old school).

Last year Richard (out of his own pocket) signed the club up to the UK national body for Cycling Time Trails meaning that any member of Banbridge Cycling Club can ride in an event in England, Scotland or Wales.  If anyone wants to know more about this get in touch.  It would be great to see some riders race an event or two across the water in 2023.

Thank you, Richard, for taking part in our series.  Its fantastic to see you keeping the road bike element alive at TT events.  I hope you hit that 24 minute target you have set yourself 2023!


Banbridge Cycling Club cater for cyclists at all levels, representing all disciplines of the sport, should you require any more information on the club, Contact Us below.